Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Creation Story

For my blog, I have chosen this unique multi-coloured polka dot background. I chose this not because it is cool but merely represents the reflection of the sea. The coloured polka dots depict the image of the pacific oceans relfection into the sky. The different colours represent Pi's life changes he needed to make while at sea. The blank blue spaces depict the image of the water with calm ripples. The pictures I chose for each entry were what I think is happening at that moment. If there was a movie made, the pictures I chose would be shown in the movie at the time that scene were happening. The title I chose is just original and punerific. :) The colour of my words in my entry is that way for a reason. The entries that are orange signify survival. In the book orange meant hope and survival and I made that comparison. The entry that is red represents blood which creates the mood in that scene. The entry that is white is the moment in the book that changed everything. The white can signify panic and scared because that is what Pi feels. The blog itself has "Pi" written all over it and as a meaning. The meaning is to show the reader who the blog is about.

The Carnivorous Island (the will to survive)

I came across what looked like an island of vegetation. The was no sand or ground, just trees growing out of algae. I was at the peak of my hunger and very weak. I used the remains of my strength to walk to a tree. I ate some of the algae and it was the most delicious thing ever. After hundreds of days of eating nothing but salty fish and biscuits, the algae was delectable. I explored the island and found millions of meerkats who didn't mind me. I found many fresh water lakes with fish. I also came across what looked like a fruit tree. The fruit turned out to be teeth wrapped in leaves. It was kind of creepy. I decide to sleep in a tree one night while Richard Parker slept in the lifeboat. The meerkats also slept in the tree and I later found out why. After testing my theory, the algae turned very acidic and ate at anything that touched it. If I truly wanted to live, I would have to leave the paradise forever.

To Tame a Beast (the need to communicate)

I was not able to maintain my life on that silly raft. I needed to take control of the lifeboat again. But with Richard Parker occupying it, the odds at that happening were not great. If i wanted to make the lifeboat my property, I would have to show that tiger who's boss, literally. Doing so caused me to invade his privacy and annoy him. I went to where his territory started with a shield in my hand which i made from a turtle shell. I began to stomp my feat and make stupid noises to annoy him. Once he began to approach me, I was required to stand my ground and blow the whistle until he got the message. It only took me 7 tries to perfect the notation. I was now the alpha male of the boat and I would no longer need the raft. The lifeboat and Richard Parker were both my property.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Apex of Savagery (the nature of svagery)

How could something do such a thing to a helpless zebra. The hyena was literally eating the zebra from the inside out. It's head was stuffed inside the bloody trexture of the zebra from the underside belly and was feasting. This poor helpless zebra was being eaten alive from the viscious hyena. The Zebra tried to fight back with a bite but the hyena is too agile and is alot more nimble. The zebra has no choice but to take the torture. I could not stand to watch this poor zebra being eaten. I wanted to kill the hyena but I would not know how. The zebra died in the morning.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Boarding a New Boat (hope and despair)

The Tsimstum sunk and i was nobly saved by these two Japanese crew members. They threw me into the lifeboat and i began to drift away from the decaying ship. Richard Parker was trying to get to the lifeboat so i threw him a lifebuoy. He climbed aboard but i then realised it was a mistake, a mistake that i will not regret. This mistake saved my life but at that moment, i felt dead already. Why did i save a viscous, cannibalistic tiger who will surely massacre me in ways i do not want to explain? But i was not alone with Richard Parker; there was zebra with a broken leg and a hyena. -oh how the unpleasantness keeps coming-